Securing a promotion or new job is a key priority for many at this time. With the world in constant flux and businesses desperately trying to find the winning formula for success in this VUCA world, many are focusing on restructures and reorganisations to save money, grow sales or both.
As a result, at iTS Leadership we are increasingly mentoring leaders who are trying to land a promotion or new job either inside or outside their current organisation. Competition is fierce and, while you can’t influence what others are doing, there are some important steps you can take to put yourself in a strong position.
Helping leaders to progress their careers is a key area of success for us, with some mentees experiencing multiple promotions since working together, and salary increases of up to 400%.
If we could offer just four pieces of advice to anyone in this situation (and I know there are many), they would be:
- Accept that you’re not in control
We’re not saying leave it all to fate (and if all you do is wait for a promotion or new job to come along then it won’t work), but control the controllables with a humility that you’re not in control. Letting go of things outside your reach frees you up mentally (as well as practically) to deal more effectively with matters you can influence.
- Do your homework
There is nothing more frustrating than receiving a generic CV and covering letter – they stand out a mile! Find out about the organisation’s values, vision and purpose and demonstrate how these manifest in your life and why they are important to you.
- Update your CV
When did you last update your CV? Just adding on your most recent appointments is not going to stand out. As a leader, you’re probably more strategic and less operational now, and what was relevant before doesn’t represent your current experience. Be succinct and ensure you keep to two sides of A4.
- Be authentic
Authenticity matters in leadership (you can read more on the subject here), but all too often candidates worry about showing their true selves when seeking a promotion or new job. One of our mentees had three interviews lined up and didn’t know how to act with three very different characters. Our advice was, “Be yourself! Tell them what you love doing and how. If they don’t like it, great! They won’t offer you the job and you won’t have to live a lie every day. If they do like it, great! They’ll give you the job and you will flourish.”
She did and she is.
To quote one of the leaders we work with, on her experience of being mentored by iTS Leadership: “I have become more confident in myself and my abilities. I have learned to trust my instincts and be myself at work. I have also pushed myself forward in situations, projects and for roles that previously I would have been underconfident for.”
For more help with nailing your next promotion or new job, please get in touch.
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